Part V - Follow Up:

Follow Up - The Secret of Staying Smooth
In an ideal world, electrolysis would be a one and done affair, but the cycles of hair growth make that an impossible dream. The fact is follow up is a key component of the treatment process whether you are undergoing electrolysis or laser hair removal. Multiple treatments of the same area are required to ensure that you remain smooth. Here's a quick guideline to the parts of your body and the amount of follow up that is likely required for each.

A completed area is one that has been fully cleared and given three months to a year of follow up treatments.

The following areas tend to grow the most new hair, especially if the root of your hair growth issues are genetic or hormonal:

  • Chin
  • Front of Neck
  • Cheeks
  • Upper Lip

    You will need some follow up treatments for the following areas, though less so than the ones mentioned above:

  • Chest
  • Breasts
  • Ears
  • Back
  • Top of Nose
  • Feet & Toes

    Very little (and sometimes no) follow up treatments are required for the following areas:

  • Hairline
  • Eyebrows
  • Abdomen
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Inner Thighs
  • Legs

    Your electrologist will be able to give you a better idea of the length of treatment and the number of follow up appointments you'll need to ensure that electrolysis is the permanent solution to unwanted hair growth that you've been looking for.

    Search our directory of members to find a dedicated professional electrologist in your area.


    In part VI, we'll explain Why Some Women Get Facial Hair.